Fallen Down (Undertale) - Toby Fox
Undertale - Toby Fox
Undertale - Megalovania
Fallen Down - Undertale
Undertale OST - Hopes and Dreams/Save the World
Undertale - Bergentrückung/ASGORE
Deltarune (Chapter 2) OST - Toby Fox - My Castle Town
His Theme (Undertale) - Toby Fox
Death by Glamour (Undertale) - Toby Fox
Lancer's Theme (Deltarune) - Toby Fox
Once Upon a Time (Undertale)
Rude Buster - Toby Fox
ASGORE: An Undertale Boss Theme
Bonetrousle (Undertale) - Nyeh Heh Heh!
Spider Dance (Undertale) - Toby Fox
Home (Undertale) - Toby Fox
Undertale - Ruins
The Legend (Deltarune)
Death by Glamour - Toby Fox
It's Raining Somewhere Else
Megalovania Ragtime
Undertale - Fallen Down (Reprise)
Megalovania (NO BASS)
Terezi's Theme
Fallen down (reprise)
Chaos King
Lost Girl
Attack of the Killer Queen
QUEEN - Original Fight
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